02 Jul 2024 - Non classé

Exclusive Tour of ITinSell Cloud Data Center for High School Students

Magadalena LIS-LORIOT See Full Bio

Our guided tour of the data center was conducted in collaboration with Pierre Mendes High School in Veynes. We welcomed the students for an immersive experience in the world of data centers and cloud technology.

During this visit, the students had the opportunity to:

– Explore our state-of-the-art facilities and understand how a data center operates in real-time
– Learn about the latest technologies and practices in cloud computing and data security
– Meet our IT experts and ask all their questions about career opportunities in this rapidly growing field

We are thrilled to offer a behind-the-scenes look at our IT infrastructure.

This initiative aims to inspire young people and provide them with keys to their future careers in a constantly evolving sector. A big thank you to Pierre Mendes High School in Veynes for this enriching collaboration!

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Magadalena LIS-LORIOT